Dokumentation |
Deutscher Name: | Trixie, Highest Level Unicorn |
Englischer Name: | Trixie, Highest Level Unicorn |
| Typ | Troublemaker - Epic/Episch |
Kraft | 6 |
Bonuspunkte | 2 | Spieltext |
| Villain (When you uncover a Troublemaker with this keyword, dismiss all other face-up Troublemakers at that Problem and frighten all Friends at that Problem. While a Villain Troublemaker is face-up at a Problem, neither player can confront that Problem, and face-down Troublemakers are not uncovered at that Problem. Any player may challenge a Villain Troublemaker during their Troublemaker Phase.)
Friends here lose and can't have abilities. |
Geschichte |
"You dare attempt to upstage the one, the only, the Great and Powerful Trixie?!" |
Seltenheit | Adelig Selten |
High Magic Royal Rare #1 |