Dokumentation |
Deutscher Name: | Find the Purpose in Your Life |
Englischer Name: | Find the Purpose in Your Life |
Typ | Event |
Kraft | 5 |
Aktionskosten | 2 |
Anforderung | 3x Orange |
Spieltext |
Main Phase: Choose one: Unfrighten up to two of your Friends, exhaust an opposing character and it does not ready during its controller's next ready step, or flip an additional card during faceoffs until the end of the turn. |
Geschichte |
"A griffon mixes lion's strength with winged eagle's might. When I finally find my purpose, then my cutie mark's in sight. Crusaders, I won't let you down, I've just begun to fight! You're gonna help me find the purpose in my life!" - Gabby |
Seltenheit | Promotional |
Defenders of Equestria Promo #5 |